A nonprofit organization

100% complete

$15,000 Goal

CLARA is a Sacramento-based nonprofit that provides arts education, access, and resources to fuel creative collaboration in our community.

CLARA believes…

…The arts are an essential component of any thriving community 

…All children deserve to have access to robust arts education

…We all benefit when artists are empowered to develop their talents, crafts, and production in the place they call home.

CLARA provides...

  • Youth with in-school arts education programs throughout the Sacramento region.
  • Local cultural organizations with low-cost, long-term leases for administrative, classroom, and rehearsal space.
  • Community arts groups with performance and event space through our auditorium rental program.
  • Local artists with training to become teaching artists, which can lead to stabilizing income as teaching artists and mentors.
  • Schools across the country with arts access through digital arts lessons and curriculum.


CLARA provides education and resources to unleash the creative potential of local arts and culture in Sacramento.

We believe that arts education is the great equalizer -- providing arts learning alongside academic subjects has been proven to have an exponential effect on long-term student success. Therefore, we are committed to bringing high quality dance, music, and theatre programs to every student in Sacramento.


Thank you for your belief in CLARA and your desire to make a difference with our organization.

A financial gift is the single best way to support CLARA's work. We are committed to providing Sacramento's local arts economy with the education and resources to take flight; your donation gets reinvested back into our community through our work with local artists, local small businesses, and local community members who are dedicated to making a difference.

We are also currently searching for the next generation of board leadership. Learn more by contacting Megan Wygant at

Equity Statement

CLARA’s commitment to arts education is rooted in the idea that access to the arts must be universal – not a signal of privilege. The arts are the great bridge-builder, opening our students’ lives to new experiences, new ideas, and new opportunities. CLARA’s programs use the arts to teach resilience, empathy, collaboration, and other 21st-century skills which set our students – mostly low-income children attending Title I schools with minimal arts access – on a path to attain a higher standard of living as adults than they otherwise would. We believe that Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access are key components of our work; we continue striving to build an equitable and inclusive organization whose staff and leadership reflect the community we serve.

Organization Data


Organization name


other names

E. Claire Raley Studios for the Performing Arts, Studios for the Performing Arts Operating Company

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Arts, Culture & Humanities

Operating Budget

$1,000,001-$5 million

Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Unrestricted, Board Members

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


2420 N St. Suite 110
Sacramento, CA 95816

Service areas

Sacramento, CA, US

West Sacramento, CA, US

Galt, CA, US

Elk Grove, CA, US

El Dorado Hills, CA, US



Social Media