Operating expenses: In the last two years, SPC has completely reorganized, from leadership to expanded programming, including an effort to increase what we pay to people who bring their art to our space. Honoraria is a big budget item for us. We have redoubled our efforts in publishing, resulting in additional printing costs; and have plans to add more teaching programs through workshops and lectures, which will result in increases in our budget for meeting artists’ fees. Increasing events also increases wear and tear on the space and occasional professional help is required, and while we also have a great group of volunteers to help with that, there are some things that we can’t do ourselves. Additionally, the expenses related to hospitality have increased, as have our costs for printing support materials.
Publishing: SPC publishes Tule Review, a nationally recognized literary journal, and while volunteers do all the editing work, production and distribution runs $2,500 a year. The new quarterly chapbook series will cost about $600 per quarter. Maintaining our website, while not astronomical is another real cost for a valuable community resource.
Honoraria for Poets: SPC offers honoraria to local poets who read for us. In addition to offering this very real support to local poets, we are planning to reinvigorate our efforts to bring more nationally known poets to the local audience, in keeping with our abiding mission. Over the years, we have brought many of the greatest poets in America to Sacramento, and it is a meaningful part of what we do.
Community service: One of the things we are continuing to developing is an outreach program that will include helping our youngest and most needy poets with small scholarships to attend literary events, workshops and the like that will encourage them their efforts.
All of this helps us to keep most of our events and publications free to the public.