Sacramento Poetry Center

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Sacramento Poetry Center was founded in 1979 and has presented hundreds of readings and poetry workshops at venues all over Sacramento in the last 43 years. The SPC has held readings featuring Gary Snyder, Lucille Clifton, Robert Hass, Anne Waldman, Jane Hirshfield, Philip Levine, Maya Angelou, Galway Kinnell, William Stafford, and many other prominent national poets. We bring in poets from many local communities as well -- youth poets, senior writing groups, community colleges, and high schools. SPC readings feature both published and unpublished writers, spoken word artists, performance poets, and poets who read from the page.

In addition to the reading series, SPC publishes an annual literary journal, a quarterly journal, and special publications. SPC volunteers also work in schools to help young people write or perform their poetry. We have helped students in the Poetry Out Loud competition, and we have put on classes for incarcerated men at New Folsom State Prison. To bring poetry to more people, SPC also collaborates with many other organizations, from The Crocker Art Museum to 916 Ink, from the MIND Institute to Every Fourth Woman. We organize and present well over a hundred events or workshops every year, with an all-volunteer working board of directors.


The Sacramento Poetry Center's mission is to promote and advance the practice and application of poetry and the literary arts in our community, to enliven and extend the cultural boundaries of Sacramento's literary arena by creating and maintaining forums for local writers; to support and empower emerging and established poets, and to bring the best practitioners of the craft into the community.


Operating expenses: In the last two years, SPC has completely reorganized, from leadership to expanded programming, including an effort to increase what we pay to people who bring their art to our space. Honoraria is a big budget item for us. We have redoubled our efforts in publishing, resulting in additional printing costs; and have plans to add more teaching programs through workshops and lectures, which will result in increases in our budget for meeting artists’ fees. Increasing events also increases wear and tear on the space and occasional professional help is required, and while we also have a great group of volunteers to help with that, there are some things that we can’t do ourselves. Additionally, the expenses related to hospitality have increased, as have our costs for printing support materials.

Publishing: SPC publishes Tule Review, a nationally recognized literary journal, and while volunteers do all the editing work, production and distribution runs $2,500 a year. The new quarterly chapbook series will cost about $600 per quarter. Maintaining our website, while not astronomical is another real cost for a valuable community resource.

Honoraria for Poets: SPC offers honoraria to local poets who read for us. In addition to offering this very real support to local poets, we are planning to reinvigorate our efforts to bring more nationally known poets to the local audience, in keeping with our abiding mission. Over the years, we have brought many of the greatest poets in America to Sacramento, and it is a meaningful part of what we do.

Community service: One of the things we are continuing to developing is an outreach program that will include helping our youngest and most needy poets with small scholarships to attend literary events, workshops and the like that will encourage them their efforts.

All of this helps us to keep most of our events and publications free to the public.

Equity Statement

The Sacramento Poetry Center recognizes that many communities in Sacramento have been under-represented and under-supported in the literary community, often across racial and class and genre boundaries, leaving behind some of the finest local creatives in our region. The SPC further recognizes that in our 45 year history, we have not always been as good as we should always be as a safe and supportive space for these communities, nor as inclusive.

SPC has committed itself to being a space that is representative of all Sacramento poetry, and is inclusive and welcoming, and honors even more styles of writing from more communities.

Our board is more diverse than ever, as is our group of advisors and volunteers and we have created a Code of Conduct addressing the important matters of inclusion and equity, that is reflected in policy and programming changes that make the SPC truly the center of Sacramento poetry.

Organization Data


Organization name

Sacramento Poetry Center

other names

The Poet Tree Incorporated

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Arts, Culture & Humanities

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Other, Technology

Demographics Served

General population, Seniors, LGBTQIA+

BIPOC Leadership

Board Chair

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


1719 25th St
Sacramento, CA 95816

Service areas

Sacramento, CA, US



Social Media