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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sacramento Climate Coalition
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Join me to support Sacramento Climate Coalitions' IT'S A CLIMATE EMERGNCY: CARBON ZERO BY 2030!!!

7 donors

raised $1,199

25 donor goal

Dear Friends and Family, 

Even before I retired we've been working with the Climate Coalition to  help speed up the transition off fossil fuels and change our city's carbon neutrality date from 2045 to 2030 because that's what the science tells us we have to do to have a livable future for our children and to preserve this magical planet of ours and the special places we love like the Avenue of the Giants and the redwoods. 

So we helped the City, County and SMUD to all declare Climate Emergencies and set 2030 as their carbon zero dates!

 The SMUDs Clean Power City resulted for the efforts of the coalition and we helped write their Climate Emergency Resolution!

Gathering a petition to support a Sacramento Public Bank at the Climate Justice festival.

Here's where we supported the City's Treasurer  and won a unanimous vote to receive $250K to Hire a consultant to write a business plan and viability study to form a Public Bank of Sacramento!

Our  Trifold that explains why a Public Bank of Sacramento!

Climate Strike organized by the Coalition and other groups such as Fridays for Future.

Where we asked the City to Declare a Climate Emergency.

Being a Climate Activist has its perks!

Our Annual Climate Justice Festival that the SCC organizes to educate the public at OakPark in Sacramento.

So if you hate to sit in numerous zoom meetings  most days to get our elected to listen and recognize the need to speed up our climate action; or to stand out on the West Steps of the Capitol demanding that we stop subsidies to Oil and Gas and start holding polluters accountable for the cleanup; or to meet with officials to form a public bank so that we can divest from Chase, the largest funder of fossil fuels, then help us bring about change by donating to the Climate Coalition, a group of 37 different organizations committed to ensuring a livable future for all of us and all future generations of People and Earthlings!

Also, join us for the fun and camaraderie!

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