California Native Plant Society

Reviewed by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation

$101,200 raised by 456 donors

100% complete

$90,000 Goal

Towering coastal redwoods, saturated poppy fields, hardy Joshua trees, ancient bristlecone pines, deserts that bloom with color after winter rains—these are all iconic images of the California we love. Our native plants are not only beautiful, but they also make California one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. No other state in the U.S. has as many species of native plants as California, and of those, a third are found nowhere else on Earth! These plants and places need our protection amid the pressures of climate change, pollution, and habitat depletion. The good news is that when we save plants, we save the many creatures that rely on them for survival. That's why CNPS has been working to protect California's native plants and the special places they inhabit since 1965. We are an organization of 36 chapters throughout California and NW Baja, Mexico, with more than 12,000 members and thousands of dedicated volunteers working at the local level to support the CNPS mission.


The mission of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is to protect California's native plants and their natural habitats, today and into the future, through science, education, stewardship, gardening and advocacy.


Native plants are amazing—but the variety of life they support is almost beyond measure. Thriving native plant habitats are essential for healthy soil, clean water, and the health of every living thing—including each of us! Protecting these wild spaces is essential for our future. But unfortunately, we know it won’t be enough.

Our urban and suburban landscapes need to work harder to support biodiversity. Instead of vast expanses of turf grass with little habitat value, our roadsides, parks, and public spaces could burst with native wildflowers and the wildlife they support. Migrating birds and forest animals could find an oasis of food and shelter as they move between wild spaces.

By making native plants a key component of our landscaping, we can support the web of life and create deeper connections between nature and people where they live, work, and play.

* With your support, gardeners can succeed in growing native plants, creating a wildlife buffet in every yard!

* Students and their families will explore the science and beauty of native plants in campus gardens, thanks to you!

* Your donation will inspire Californians to expect more from our public landscapes and insist on native plants!

California's native plants covered our state for centuries. But the one-two punch of climate change and development means habitat is shrinking for our special plants and the biodiversity that relies on them. This threat is formidable, but one thing is clear: When native plants are part of our lives, from front yards to school campuses to community gardens, we replace some of the habitat that’s been lost.

Native plants and all the life they sustain belong in every neighborhood. Your gift ensures California’s flora isn’t just “out there” but “right here.” Help protect the native plants that sustain you, your community, and our connection to one another. You are part of the solution!

Organization Data


Organization name

California Native Plant Society

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget

$5,000,001-$10 million

Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Program

Demographics Served

General population

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo


2707 K Street Suite 1
Sacramento, CA 95816

Service areas







Social Media