We are a global women's organization whose members work to improve the lives and women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. Soroptimist programs focus on providing women and girls with access to education, which is one of the most effective ways to end social problems disproportionately affecting women and girls.
Soroptimist International (SI) has consultative status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council, which oversees U.N. activities and policies promoting human rights. It is in this forum that Soroptimist representatives can advocate for the Soroptimist mission of improving the lives of women and girls. Recently, our club has adopted 2 Haitian school girls in the Dominican Republic. We pay for their schooling. In past years we have provided solar cookers in Uganda, 30 water filtration kits (in conjunction with XHope Missions in Uganda, provide local children in Peru educational experiences, fun outings, and arts & crafts.

Soroptimist's Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects. Soroptimist's Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.

Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse. Although all girls face barriers because of their gender, we prioritize working with girls who have additional obstacles including poverty, unstable home lives, living in foster care, or teen motherhood. Soroptimist clubs work in partnership with girls in small groups or a conference setting to provide them with the information and resources they want and need to be successful.

Helping Hands Program helps senior women age 55 or older who are facing a financial challenge. We offer up to $300 per individual during a rolling 12-month period to cover needs that are not met through other resources. In addition to SIEG member recommendations, this funding is being offered to clients of Elk Grove Food Bank Services (EGFBS). EGFBS may request funding for a client when no other program funds are available to cover needs such as utility bills, medical or prescription costs, or household expenses necessary to start new housing.

Soaring to Success Program's goal is Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. SIEG decided it was time to meet the girls that are furthest behind and give them the “Wings to Soar.” with that Soaring to Success was created. Every quarter a young girl is selected from each of the schools throughout the school year; a total of 12 girls were selected. The criteria were students trying to change their flight path to soar. Attendance, grades, and making a difference in your community as well as seeing the difference through hard work and dedication. Due to circumstances beyond their control, they put their education first and need to be recognized for that.

Soroptimist High School Scholarships - SIEG has added an additional Scholarship this year - Kristine M. Smith Memorial Scholarship. We now have 4-$2000 Scholarships; two of which are for girls who are/have been in the foster care system.
Within our community we have given money/support to the Elk Grove Food Bank, Project R.I.D.E., Chicks in Crisis, Wellspring Women's Center, Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART), Optimist Kohl's Child Spree, Elk Grove Food Bank, X-Hope, UpLift, Strauss Festival, Spotlight At the Ranch, WEAVE, and Break Free, to name a few.
You can find us on Instagram.com/soroptimist_elkgrove/
Find us on Twitter @EG_Soroptimist
We have 38 members who are involved in various activities to improve our community.