Art League of Lincoln

A nonprofit organization

33% complete

$10,000 Goal

The Art League of Lincoln's goal to help under-served and under-represented students in Placer County achieve academically depends on your support. The Arts and Music in Schools Act of 2022 (Prop 28) relies on community partnerships between ART LEAGUE of LINCOLN and Placer County Schools because there simply are not enough art and music teachers to meet demand.  We BRIDGE THE GAP with our member artists to develop and deliver culturally relative art programs.  

Click "Our Programs" tab for more

WHAT are we?  The Art League of Lincoln is a non-profit organization dedicated to the artistic expression needs of artists and art lovers in the greater Lincoln area in Placer County.  We have three galleries and a gift shop.  We feature monthly shows at the main 6th Street Gallery, the Spotlight Gallery and the Rotunda at the Lincoln City Hall. We hold public monthly art receptions on the 2nd Thursday of each month. 

WHO are we?  We provide quality programming through shows, events and classes.  We have many local partners including the City of Lincoln, Western Placer Unified School District, the Lincoln Community Foundation, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. 

WHERE are we?  The Art League of Lincoln is located downtown, a block east of Lincoln Blvd, behind the Lincoln City Hall.  Our address is 580 6th St, Lincoln, Ca  95648.   

WHEN are we open?  Our Galleries and Gift Shop is open Th – Sun 11-3pm.  We have several events at the Gallery and in the local community throughout the year.


CREATING, CULTIVATING, and CELEBRATING the ARTS in our Community! To promote, foster and support the arts in the greater Lincoln area through exhibits, shows, tours, education and other activities for artists and art appreciators.


In addition to our Arts Education in Schools program above, we need your help to realize our vision of being the CULTURAL ARTS CENTER OF LINCOLN. This means recognizing the value of our cultural past AND our cultural future through an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion lens.

Our February Spotlight Gallery Exhibit celebrated Black History Month with two amazing artists of color.

We want to reach out to more people of color and those that reflect the diverse community that surrounds us.

YOUR CONTRIBUTION will help us achieve this goal.

Equity Statement

"Regardless of race, socio-economic status, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, gender, or marital status, we are an organization that celebrates the richness of our community."

Our community wants to embrace the rich diversity that surrounds us through art. This is the direction we are driving towards.

We need YOUR SUPPORT to heal the world around us through ART. We CANNOT DO IT ALONE.


Get Involved

View our current participation opportunities.

In-Person Volunteering

Volunteers for Gift Shop, Gallery Operations, Events Team, Board Chairs

Gallery and various local to Lincoln, CA

Ongoing opportunity

Organization Data


Organization name

Art League of Lincoln

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Arts, Culture & Humanities

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Volunteers, Funding: Unrestricted, In-Kind Donations, Funding: Other

Demographics Served

Seniors, Youth & Children, Low-income individuals/families

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


580 Sixth St
Lincoln, CA 95648

Service areas

Lincoln, CA, US

Roseville, CA, US

Penryn, CA, US

Newcastle, CA, US, 95658

Auburn, CA, US



Social Media