Equity Statement
Broad Room is committed to ensuring racial equity at every level of our work from the people we serve to the executive leadership. Our goals around cultural responsiveness are centered on internal leadership development, committing to a pattern of communication with stakeholders, and ensuring that our marketing and programs are inclusive.
It is important for Broad Room to nurture an organizational culture that is aligned with the Combahee River Collective Statement and the 12 Principles of the Feminist Economy.
We are committed to unlearning the characteristics of white supremacy culture from Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups, by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun by developing a culture of appreciation, believing that mistakes offer an opportunity for learning, setting realistic work plans and valuing quality (rather than quantity) goals, committing to working on defensiveness and fear as it comes up, recognizing the strengths and skills of everyone at the organization, never assuming that our organization knows what’s best for the community and including people affected by an organizational decision in the decision-making process.
As we continue to grow as an organization, we will focus on 1) continuing to connect with the community we are serving, 2) continued leadership development, and 3) building a supportive organizational culture.
We will continue to survey, discuss, and check-in with our programs to ensure we are aligning our work with our racial equity statement.
As an arts organization working towards accessibility in the arts, we strive to center racial justice in our work. We established the Artist & Community Committee, which provides oversight and guidance for our programming to ensure that our work reflects the needs of our community and the people we serve. The members include studio artists, activists, residents of our historically underserved neighborhood, and our program clients.