CLOSED - Christian Team Ministries Inc.

2% complete

$45,000 Goal

For over 40 years, CTM has come alongside individuals, churches, schools, colleges, and organizations in a "team effort" to use pastor/leader development, event outreach, and sports & recreational activities, while simultaneously presenting Jesus Christ as an option to improve their lives. Founded in 1984, CTM is a nonprofit organization that is governed by a board of directors. We are dedicated to helping people learn how to use a portion of their vocational, recreational, or sports activity time to communicate the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with folks around them. CTM gives people opportunities to participate in team and personal programs. They also have opportunities to be trained as well as help others grow in life skills and personal faith. Our ministry areas include but are not limited to the following events, programs, and activities each year:

Year-round: Operating the CTM Visual & Performing Arts Program based in Meadow Vista, CA, as well as Conducting sports seminars and athletic clinics for various schools, colleges, and recreational clubs.

A few Specific Examples:

  1. April/May: Conducting classes for youth and senior citizens in Drawing, Painting, and Photography
  2. June/July: The CTM Philippine cross-cultural tours (three weeks) to the Philippines.
  3. July/August: Our Annual CTM high altitude running camp and clinic: Grouse Ridge, CA.
  4. November/December:  Art Exhibits and Music Performances in Galleries and during Artists Studios Tours.

Thank you so much for your financial investment in this unique ministry. May God bless you abundantly throughout the year as we work together to mentor young people through visual & performing arts and athletic involvement, as well as train leaders and coaches worldwide!


To PREPARE Christians to fulfill their unique role within the Great Commission, to PRESENT Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to people within their unique sphere of influence, and to PRAISE the Lord in spiritual fellowship and Christian service. This is accomplished in FOUR ways: (1) SERVING others, (2) SHARING resources for Leader Development and Sports & Recreational Outreach, (3) STRENGTHENING Christians for vocational and recreational ministry, (4) SENDING people locally and cross-culturally for team, event, and church ministry.


Purchase art supplies and equipment for our CTM Visual & Performing Arts program. ($2,000)

Increase our budget for youth sports camps and athletic clinics: $2,500 is needed for the following: increased rental facility and operating costs to conduct our summer & winter camps. ($2,500)

Increase the number of our support partners: This year we have encountered a 20% increased cost in operating expenses. We must keep growing by adding new people to give monthly for the work of Christian Team Ministries, both here in the USA and cross-culturally.

Assist our indigenous pastors in the Philippines to maintain a resource library and a satellite Bible college, and establish two more additional churches. Re-evaluate the Mobilization of our USA CTM cross-cultural trips to the Philippines. ($8000)

Select and train volunteers to assist in our ongoing programs. ($1,000)

Equity Statement

Christian Team Ministries is fully committed to equity and inclusion with whom we serve. We strive to ensure that our programs and participants represent our economically, racially, and culturally diverse community.

Organization Data


Organization name

CLOSED - Christian Team Ministries Inc.

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Youth Development

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Other, Volunteers

Demographics Served

Seniors, Youth & Children, General population

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


1025 Grange Road
Meadow Vista, CA 95722

Service areas

Placer County, CA, US

Nevada County, CA, US

Yuba County, CA, US

Sacramento County, CA, US

El Dorado County, CA, US



Social Media