Center for Workers' Rights

A nonprofit organization

The Center for Workers' Rights goal is to create a safe working environment where workers are not only respected for their hard work but are treated with dignity and justice. We have seen and heard far too many stories where workers are disrespected, humiliated, discriminated and taken advantage of for us to not do anything.

The Center for Workers' Rights was created in an effort to empower, encourage and advocate for our most vulnerable community members. The Center makes it possible for workers in the greater Sacramento area to locate legal assistance and other resources within their communities. Here at the Center we assist those workers most vulnerable to workplace abuse, including undocumented immigrants, pregnant women, caregivers, people of color, victims of domestic violence, and members of the LGBTQ community. Prior to the start of the Center for Workers' Rights there were no clinics or programs like it within a 60 mile radius that provided free legal services to low-wage workers regardless of their immigration status. We empower workers by educating them on what their rights are in the workplace. By representing these workers we create a movement to fight against employers who take advantage of, discriminate, humiliate and abuse workers in our community.

The Center serves as an advocate for its clients and as an expert in workers' rights issues. We represent workers in administrative processes, including unemployment benefits appeal hearings, labor commissioner wage claims, and discrimination cases. The Center communicates with state and local agencies regarding recurring issues faced by low-wage workers and recommends institutional changes to these injustices.


Our vision is a community in which workers are respected and treated with dignity and justice. To bring that vision into reality, we provide legal representation to low-wage workers, advocate for initiatives to advance workers’ rights, and promote worker education, activism, and leadership in the greater Sacramento area.


The focus of the Center for Workers’ Rights efforts is to embolden workers to gain knowledge about their workplace rights, how to fight for them, and most importantly stand up when they are being dismissed, ignored, or invalidated.

As advocates for low-wage workers, we understand the importance of trust, reliability, and empathy when building relationships with the community. Our one on one discussions with all of our clients are confidential. All low-wage workers in California can confidently rely on the Center for assistance with workplace issues, and the tools to be strong advocates for themselves, and others.

In our effort to create the space for this, we have identified key areas of support;

Access to Justice

Creating Lasting Impact

Building Community Connections

We utilize these key areas to foster and strengthen our relationship with workers in a variety of sectors in our effort to unite our community and repair confidence in worker power.

Your generous support means we can keep workers in their jobs by helping them challenge workplace abuse. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Center for Workers’ Rights relies on funding from individuals, organizations, foundations, and government entities.

We have been lucky to have expanded our work during the COVID-19 pandemic with pandemic-related government funding, but we now need to build our base of support to continue to engage with the community at the same level. We ask those who can financially support our work to please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Equity Statement

The Center for Workers' Rights is committed to serving the all of California's diverse workforce.

The rich history of California's labor struggles serves as a backdrop to the work we do. Ensuring that ALL workers, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, national identity or citizenship status, have access to robust support, accurate information, and knowledgeable advocates is our primary goal.

We understand that many of the most vulnerable workers become targets for workplace abuse. Our work aims to defend those workers, providing the tools for self-advocacy, and empowerment in the workplace.

Organization Data


Organization name

Center for Workers' Rights

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Operating Budget

$500,001-$1 million

Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Program, Volunteers

Demographics Served

Individuals with disabilities, Low-income individuals/families, General population

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


2741 Fruitridge Rd. Suite 5
Sacramento, CA 95820

Service areas






Social Media