Franciscan Living Urban Center for Spirituality

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Franciscan Living Urban Center for Spirituality was founded in 2008 by Margie Will, OSF, a storyteller, poet, singer, retreat leader and spiritual director. During her twenty-five years of service in Roman Catholic communities, Margie heard an oft-stated wish of many church-goers for a safe space to question and explore one's relationship with the Divine, without the strictures of traditional rules and hierarchies. The Urban Center for Spirituality is that place: we welcome in and foster community among a diverse group of seekers, from the mainstream to the margins, those who seek relationship with the divine source.

Franciscan Living is led by the Board of Directors and the Executive Director who collaborate in determining policy, direction, and ongoing growth within our organization. The Board is committed to spiritual inclusion, creative programming, excellence of service, and hospitable welcome to all who wish to participate in Center events and programs. We are guided by the values and spiritual traditions of Francis and Clare of Assisi. Their eagerness to develop a conscious connection with the earth, her creatures, and all peoples serves as a model for us today as we seek to nurture a holistic vision of familial relationship with the entire cosmos.

Located in Sacramento, the Center for Urban Spirituality offers classes, discussion groups, retreats, spiritual direction and guidance to any and all who wish to journey with us.

Visit our website: 


We are a diverse community of pilgrims and seekers.

Rooted in the Franciscan tradition of Relationship with the earth and her creatures, we embrace all of life as gift.

With compassion and creativity, we nurture opportunities for consciously integrating the whole of human experience into the spiritual journey.

We reach out to those who are spiritually or religiously marginalized, especially by lifestyle or income.


A. Volunteers to help staff the Center

B. Newsletter Editor

C. Social media management

D. Tech 'Wizard' to keep the Center connected and


E. Office Manager

F. Event Manager

G. Committed individuals who share the Center's mission

to serve on the Board of Directors in:

- Oversight of program development

- Fundraising

- Outreach

- Community Engagement

H. Leaders who can assist with:

- Conception, design and development of offerings

- Facilitating classes, discussion groups, and seminars

I. Funds to help :

- Create new programming

- Offset sliding scale fees

- Offer offsite SoulCollage sessions at local non-profits

for women in need

- Engage a virtual assistant to facilitate media outreach

Organization Data


Organization name

Franciscan Living Urban Center for Spirituality

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Volunteers, Board Members, Funding: Program, Funding: Other

Demographics Served

Seniors, Low-income individuals/families, Women/Female-identifying

Local Counties Served



1260 Fulton Avenue Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95825-6601

Service areas


