HART of Folsom

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$60,000 Goal


HART of Folsom is a non-profit organization in Folsom dedicated to supporting individuals experiencing homelessness by guiding them towards self-sufficiency and independence. Established as a 501C(3) non-profit in 2017, HART of Folsom operates solely through the efforts of volunteers, embodying a commitment to uplifting those in need. We provide transitional housing units and professional case management services to the unhoused population in Folsom, aiming to facilitate a positive transition for individuals experiencing homelessness. By focusing on offering support and guidance, HART of Folsom plays a significant role in reducing homelessness in Folsom while operating more cost-effectively than state and county programs. Our track record shows a history of impacting individuals in need and creating a positive change in the community.


We are a non-profit community-based organization assisting those experiencing homelessness in Folsom toward self-sufficiency and greater independence.


Bidwell Studios located in Folsom, California serves as our primary transitional housing site. Currently, there is no emergency housing in the Folsom area. We are hoping to make a difference in our community by providing four fully furnished studio apartments and three stationary trailers for our unhoused neighbors. The Big Day of Giving funds will be primarily used to pay for the studio apartments at Bidwell Studios.

Each studio apartments costs $1,277 per month (including utilities). Our goal of $61,300 will pay operating and maintenance costs of all our transitional housing units (4 units in total) for a year. Residents who have stable income will be asked for a small contribution each month but the main goal is to have them save money for up-front costs and fees towards permanent housing.

We feel single room occupancy type housing is the most advantageous as the clients work through the issues that put them into homelessness. All of our transitional housing clients are connected to our Case anger. The Case Manager will monitor their progress and assists them on their path to a more stable life. Presently, the cost of HART’s professional case management is approximately $36,000 a year.

HART is actively looking into additional housing options.

Equity Statement

The HART of Folsom transitional housing units are clean and sober living environments. HART of Folsom assists all persons from all socioeconomic backgrounds transition from unhoused to housed in Folsom.

Get Involved

View our current participation opportunities.

In-Person Event

Big Day of Giving Fiesta

Folsom Community Center

May 1, 2025

Organization Data


Organization name

HART of Folsom

other names

Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART)

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Housing, Shelter

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Other

Demographics Served


Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


PO Box 6327
Folsom, CA 95763

Service areas

Folsom, CA, US



Social Media