Unrestricted funding allows Wellspring Women's Center to pay salaries, facilities costs, and other costs not eligible for other types of funding. Funds allocated as “unrestricted” also provide our organization with the flexibility to support each of our programs equally. We also value in-kind donations, especially donations of survival supplies, yarn, and food.
Our Nutritious Meal Program serves a nutritious breakfast and light lunch to 150-300 women and their children each weekday. With the support of our community, we are able to fight malnutrition in a communal atmosphere of beauty.
Wellspring's Safety-Net Services Program provides our guests with essential survival supplies and resources to increase the health and wellness of our community. Thanks to our community partners and donors, guests of Wellspring have access to formula, diapers, hygiene supplies, and transportation assistance.
The Women’s Wellness Program provides counseling, case management, health and wellness, education, and other support for our guests.
Our Art of Being program offers participants expressive therapy through creativity. Workshops are offered that focus on utilizing art as a tool for healing, reducing isolation and loneliness, and increasing the self-compassion of our guests.
Wellspring's Children's Corner Program allows the children of our center a space of their own to connect and participate in supervised play, educational activities, get creative, and just be kids!
Through the generosity of our community Wellspring Women's Center champions compassionate care for vulnerable women and children.