Elk Grove Historical Society

A nonprofit organization

100% complete

$0 Goal

The organization is made of a dedicated group of volunteers who are determined to preserve and protect our local history and make it available to the whole community.  Elk Grove was a very important part of the development of California history.  It was long inhabited by the Miwok Native Americans, was part of the California Gold Rush, established the first county library in California and built the second public high school in the area.  Elk Grove was an important stop along the Monterey Trail and later the railroad as they traveled back and forth from northern and southern California.  Later the Monterey Trail became part of the Lincoln Highway which stretched across the nation. There are still many old buildings and relatives from pioneer families who continue the preservation and sharing of their history.  The society started from humble beginnings and worked hard many years to achieve what they have created for the community. We have a lot of history to present and care for and we need to continue that progress.


The mission of the Elk Grove Historical Society is to promote public awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Elk Grove's history. This is done through educational and living history programs; collecting and preserving articles of historic value; establishing and maintaining a historical library; and advocating for the preservation of historical material and properties in Elk Grove and the surrounding areas.


Drawing up plans, preparing budget, solicit funds for the construction of a barn style meeting hall - $1,000,000.

Various needed repairs to museum - $5,000

Prepare area for the preservation of newly acquired authentic covered wagon - $10,000

Continue to provide/fund approximately 25 scholarships to schools who are financially unable to attend the Rhoads School Living History program. This allows approximately 750 students attend who couldn't otherwise. - $4000

Equity Statement

The mission of the Elk Grove Historical Society is to research and gather information, to preserve, maintain, and document it, and then share it without bias or prejudice. We look for the same traits in our membership and promote it and diversity. All are welcome, no matter their backgrounds or beliefs and we appreciate their contributions. All are treated equally and fairly.

Organization Data


Organization name

Elk Grove Historical Society

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted

Demographics Served

General population

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


9941 East Stockton Boulevard
Elk Grove, CA 95624

Service areas

Elk Grove, CA, US



Social Media