Foresthill Swimming and Recreation Corporation

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

The Foresthill Pool is owed by the community and fully funded/supported by the community.  For the pool to continue to succeed, your participation and involvement is extremely important. 

The Foresthill Pool Board appreciates all donations from the community whether monetary or volunteering your time.  The support received during our fundraising campaigns make a BIG difference.  As all of us are experiencing, the pool also faces high cost increases in electricity, wages, and maintenance.  

Foresthill Pool has participated in Big Day of Giving since 2017!  Last year, the community donated a total of $6,283!  The Pool's fundraising goal this year is at $10,000. WE CAN DO IT!  This year's minimum donation is $10.  If you are unable to make a monetary donation, the Pool welcomes community volunteers. Contact to find out how you can get involved!

For over 50 years, the Foresthill Pool has served the community by providing a multitude of activities including daily open swim, group and individual swim lessons, swim team practice, clinics, teen night, lap swimming, and water aerobics.  Additionally, the pool's lifeguards give local teenagers their first paid work experience. These highly trained individuals provide younger children with positive role models of good work ethic, healthy lifestyle, and a strong sense of responsibility.  We strive to accommodate the needs of the community both in activities offered and affordability.

Giving Activity


Our mission is to provide competitive and recreational swimming for people of all age groups and fitness levels. Our priority is to provide open access and diverse programs that will benefit the citizens of Foresthill and surrounding communities.


Funds are needed for solar heat pump upgrades which will allow us to extend our open season.

Funds are needed to purchase equipment which is essential for daily operations.

Funds are needed to replace the shade structure located over our picnic benches and sitting area.

Funds obtained will also provide scholarships to members of the community facing economic hardships.

Organization Data


Organization name

Foresthill Swimming and Recreation Corporation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Recreation & Sports

Operating Budget

$50,001 - $100,000

Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Technology, Funding: Program

Local Counties Served



PO Box 302
Foresthill, CA 95631

Service areas

Foresthill, CA, US



Social Media