Gateway Community Charters Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$10,528 raised by 34 donors

100% complete

$7,000 Goal

Gateway Community Charters Foundation continues to refine, improve and fulfill its vision of supporting students and families with an emphasis on serving vulnerable and underserved populations. As GCC enters its twentieth year of operation, we are inspired by our Dream, Design, Adapt and Persevere motto and continue to 'be brave,' which inspires our work across our eight schools and 20 physical locations. The Gateway Community Charters Foundation has a mission that drives our work to ensure a) that our students will be prepared to succeed in the world they live in now and the one they will inhabit in the future and b) that our organization retains its focus on innovation, autonomy, and sustainability. 

Gateway Community Charter Schools continues to serve students located within many of our most at-risk, historically underserved, and disenfranchised communities within the Sacramento region. All of our school sites qualify for the Free and Reduced lunch programs, based on the dire needs of our students and the communities they live in. Nearly 80% of all Gateway Community Charter students are classified as being "socioeconomically disadvantaged" as indicated by the CA Department of Education.  These indicators acknowledge that outside forces have either not served the student or population well or have assigned the at-risk label to unwitting subjects. Gateway Community Charters is dedicated to providing all students a continuum of care through educational, individual, and family support to ensure academic advancement and the growth of their social well-being. Our students have needs above and beyond basic academic necessities, thus our invitation to garner your support to allow Gateway Community Charters to best serve each and every student. 

Giving Activity


Gateway Community Charter Foundation supports the educational development and growth of students in the Greater Sacramento region who come from economically, culturally, and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including those students who are part of the most vulnerable, disenfranchised, at-risk, and low socio-economic disadvantaged population.


The Gateway Community Charters Foundation needs donations of school supplies and backpacks for students (K-12).

The Gateway Community Charters Foundation needs funding to support student enrichment, engagement programs, opportunities, and events.

The Gateway Community Charters Foundation needs funding to support student-run businesses and community service projects. This program will couple the community and business leaders' experience with students to create micro-businesses that give back to the community component.

The Gateway Community Charters Foundation needs funding support to enhance student health programs and activities. The Foundation is in need of athletic and recreational equipment for students.

The Gateway Community Charters Foundation needs funding to help support the student-run Firehouse Café and its coffee cart supplies.

Equity Statement

Gateway Community Charters respects, affirms and protects the dignity and human worth of each member of its community. We value differences and seek to actively pursue diversity, advance inclusion and ensure equity. The GCC Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strives to be a driving force for promoting shared values within our organization and our schools in order to promote a welcoming environment and inclusion excellence for people of all identities, diverse perspectives and life experiences. From this perspective, we envision schools where every student meets their highest potential and where differences are celebrated and maximized to achieve excellence.

Organization Data


Organization name

Gateway Community Charters Foundation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Unrestricted, In-Kind Donations, Board Members

Demographics Served

Immigrants & refugees, Youth & Children, Low-income individuals/families

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Local Counties Served

Sacramento, Yolo

Equity Statement

Equity Statement


5112 Arnold Ave
Sacramento, CA 95652

Service areas

Sacramento, CA, US

Yolo County, CA, US

Sacramento County, CA, US

Elk Grove, CA, US


916 286 5129

Social Media