Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center

A nonprofit organization

Lighthouse is a full-service Counseling and Family Resource Center serving approximately 4,000 residents each year across Placer County.  With offices in Lincoln, Roseville, and Auburn, Lighthouse has an excellent reputation for providing quality services to individuals and families suffering from trauma, anxiety and depression, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and other familial issues.  Lighthouse now accepts Medi-Cal, most private insurances and employee assistance programs.  For every dollar spent, 96 cents funds programs, making it one of the most efficient nonprofits in the United States.

Over the years, Lighthouse has received numerous awards.  In 2010, 2012, and 2013, 2017, 2018, and 2019, Lighthouse won "Non-Profit of the Year award."  In 2021, Lighthouse was awarded the distinction of being named "California Nonprofit of the Year".  Additionally, Lighthouse has received multiple Certificates of Recognition from Senator Ted Gaines, Assembly Member Kevin Kiley, U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock, and the Lincoln Community Foundation. Overall, Lighthouse enjoys a very positive reputation for providing quality, professional, caring, and collaborative services within Placer County.


We help individuals and families heal by providing counseling, educational classes, and easy access to resources.


We need $350,000 to help stop child abuse and neglect.

We need $285,000 to help women heal from domestic violence.

We need $205,000 to help children overcome depression and anxiety.

Disposable diapers (larger sizes) and gift cards would be used to supplement our services to our clients with much needed basic supplies.

$25,000 in in-kind merchandise such as diapers (larger sizes) and gift cards would be used to supplement our services to our clients with much needed basic supplies.

Equity Statement

At Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center (Lighthouse) a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feels valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our departments, programs, and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard.

We’re committed to modeling diversity and inclusion for the entire arts industry of the nonprofit sector, and to maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all.

To provide informed, authentic leadership for cultural equity, Lighthouse strives to:

• See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission and critical to ensure the well-being of our staff and the communities we serve.

• Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services.

• Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness.

• Help to challenge assumptions about what it takes to be a strong leader at our organization, and who is well-positioned to provide leadership.

• Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions.

• Commit time and resources to expand more diverse leadership within our board and staff.

• Lead with respect and tolerance. We expect all employees to embrace this notion and to express it in workplace interactions and through everyday practices.

Lighthouse abides by the following action items to help promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace:

• Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating substantive learning opportunities and formal, transparent policies.

• Improve our cultural leadership pipeline by creating and supporting programs and policies that foster leadership that reflects the diversity of American society.

• Pool resources and expand offerings for underrepresented constituents by connecting with other organizations committed to diversity and inclusion efforts.

• Participate in opportunities/discussions on diversity, inclusion, and equity that provide information and resources.

• Develop a mindfulness for being more intentional and conscious of bias during the hiring, promoting, or evaluating process.

• Include a salary range with all public job descriptions.

• Encourage public and private-sector policy that promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity. Challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity

Organization Data


Organization name

Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Human Services

Operating Budget

$1,000,001-$5 million

Organization Need

Funding: Program, In-Kind Donations

Demographics Served

Youth & Children, Low-income individuals/families, General population

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


110 Gateway Dr. Suite 210
Lincoln, CA 95648

Service areas

Placer, CA, US



Social Media