Equity Statement
Sacramento Ballet Access and Equity Statement
Sacramento Ballet is committed to racial equity and fair representation of multiple diverse populations in employment, outreach, scholarships, and all programs. We provide equity, inclusion and allyship including equitable pay, fair AGMA Union treatment; access, opportunity, ideas, perspectives, values, and advancement for all. We strive to identify and eliminate barriers as well as innate, learned, and conveyed biases that prevent full participation of our communities.
At Sacramento Ballet we know that all diversity strengthens us all. Our diversity commitment to our community aligns with that of California Arts Council as well as Sacramento Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy (ACCE) and Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission’s Race and Cultural Equity Statement. We are ever mindful, considered, and inclusive in our outreach to attain fair representation including but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ability, geography, citizenship status, religion, language, physical appearance, and those affiliating with multiple identities.
Sacramento Ballet has always have been a way for communities of the Sacramento region to come together and engage with the arts and each other. Our art allows us to provide and share solace amid uncertainty, to share mutual fears and concerns, to give voice to the voiceless, and to advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, and be the allies that strengthen us all.
Our commitment to DEIA extends to Artists and choreographers like our own Julia Feldman who is a distinct and unique voice from Sacramento to the world. With funding to deepen her ability to develop her craft, she will be a breakthrough new choreographer of note.
When we have funds to sustain our performances and art, we can reach all neighborhoods and communities, especially underserved populations. Equitable opportunities happen when we are funded to maintain community outreach, professional productions, dance education and innovative projects to keep students and artists on stage and to keep our production, staff and faculty members employed.
The nuts and bolts of activating equity for our art demands funding for representation. When we create media releases and reach the community with communications and messages. We are committed to funding translations (and interpretations in live venues) for speakers of languages other than English. We rely on the Sacramento region Medi-Cal and school district standards for translation into the following languages in rank order: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Russian, and Hmong. Our first season release was translated into Spanish and released to Spanish language media. We provide live, virtual, social media, and printed accommodations for hearing and sight impaired as well as people with developmental disabilities and older adults. We are committed to helping our dancers, activating their training, supporting fair, free and allied representation; restarting rehearsals safely; and affording workers comp, health insurance, liability, rentals, equipment, expertise, policies for E&O and D&O – as well as every aspect of the running and maintenance of the professional performance enterprise that is Sacramento Ballet.