Scooter's Pals

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$12,000 Goal

One night in May 2005, Susan Wallace was awakened by her barking dogs and the smell of gasoline. A man who had cleaned her carpets two days before had returned, now in a meth induced rage. During his senseless attack, Susan's throat was slashed, her home destroyed by fire, and two of her beloved dogs, Molly and Scooter, were killed. During her long painful recovery, Susan searched for a way to turn her grief into positive energy.

Scooter's Pals founded in 2008 by Susan as a life-affirming tribute to Scooter and Molly, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to saving as many dogs (and cats too) as possible from needless death.

It has evolved into a dynamic group of volunteers who share the belief that keeping our companion animals safe, giving them the care, love, and respect that they deserve is an effective way to build a better community.


Scooter's Pals provides, as our resources are available, foster and forever homes for abused or abandoned pets scheduled to be killed in local and nearby shelters. Scooter's Pals also assists dog and cat owners no longer able to properly care for their pets in finding a new "best fit" home so these animals do not reach a shelter to become at risk of being put down.


• The Sanctuary Program is a modest but vital part of our commitment to saving dogs' lives. We recognize we cannot save them all, but we can and must do our best for those we have rescued for as long as they are with us. We need your help to do that.

• Basic vet care for our incoming animals and all those in foster care until they are adopted.

• Emergency vet care for incoming animals and those in our care.

• Funding to allow us flexibility in how we respond to ever-changing needs of companion animals in the community. Rehoming assistance to pet owners facing dire hardship is a critical service we provide. Distributing surplus dog and cat food to those in need is another important way we help people and their animals.

• Funds for printing, mailing, and misc. supplies to support our outreach to the public and the training of new volunteers and fosters.

• Funds for animal transportation costs. We are very fortunate to have a group of dedicated transporters who on short notice help us get animals out of high-kill shelters, to a vet and then to the assigned, appropriate foster home, wherever that might be.

Equity Statement

Organization Data


Organization name

Scooter's Pals

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Animal Related

Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Other, Funding: Unrestricted

Demographics Served

Animals, General population

Local Counties Served

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo


PO Box 1687
Cedar Rudge, CA 95924

Service areas

Nevada County, CA, US

Yolo County, CA, US

El Dorado County, CA, US

Placer County, CA, US

Sacramento County, CA, US


530 350 2099

Social Media