Sierra Native Alliance (SNA) is a Native American family resource center located in Auburn, CA. Sierra Native Alliance provides cultural education, family resources, and environmental preservation activities in the Sierra Nevada Foothills region. Responding to the over-representation of Native youth and families involved with county Child Welfare systems, SNA specializes in Indian Child Welfare (ICWA) family support and advocacy. Through our Native Family Wellness programs, SNA provides parent education, counseling, home visitation, case management, and outpatient recovery programs. SNA supports the healthy development of our youth through cultural arts, wellness education, leadership development, job training, and advocacy.
In addition to Family Wellness and Youth Development services, SNA sponsors cultural events and environmental projects throughout the region in collaboration with community partners; our annual Auburn Big Time-Pow Wow attracts 4,000 participants each year. In the spirit of Hedem kawina'n ka'nte'm tawaltoto -All of Us Working Together- the guiding principles of our organization are:
Community Empowerment: working together to strengthen leadership skills and resources for families and community groups in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.
Cross-Cultural Awareness: building relationships across cultures, tribal groups and communities to raise awareness of indigenous cultures and environments.
Intergenerational Sharing: bringing our youth and elders together to promote extended family relationships and intergenerational education opportunities.
Activity-based Learning: teaching traditional knowledge, values and ways of thinking through hands-on arts, cultural education, and environmental activities.