The STEAC food pantry provides food baskets containing shelf-stable foods as well as fresh produce, meat, and dairy to those in need. Deliveries of food are made to low-income senior complexes in Davis and families in Winters, and weekend food bags are provided to school children in Davis and Winters throughout the month. STEAC has also partnered with CommuniCare Health Center's Mobile Medicine Team and Medication Assisted Treatment team along with Davis Community Meals and Housing by providing weekly food bags to be distributed to homeless individuals and those living in encampments around Yolo County.
- $50 buys food to provide 25 meals from the food pantry.
- $160 provides 20 Food Packs to help feed individuals living in encampments
- $200 provides 25 Food Packs for low-income school children to combat weekend hunger.
- $250 allows one family to keep or restore their utilities in their home.
- $1,000 helps a family pay their first month's rent and/or deposit to move out of homelessness into a home.
- $1,000 keeps one family facing eviction in their home.
- $45 pays for a driver's license or a birth certificate that allows individuals to access social service aid.
- $40 buys work boots required to secure employment for an unemployed individual.
- $100 provides transportation support for 4 families
- $1,000 provides one scholarship for educational expenses for a low-income Yolo County student attending a local community college
- $200 will pay for one client to complete a training course to become a certified forklift handler.
VOLUNTEERS are needed throughout the year for:
- The Food Pantry sorting, transporting and distributing food