The Winters Museum is raising funds in support of our General Fund (Facility and New Exhibit Fund) and in support of our Historical Monument Fund.
General Fund (Facility and New Exhibit Fund): The Winters Museum attempts to put up at least two exhibits per year at an approximate cost of $3,000 each. We believe that we have produced two great exhibits this year. The first is Remembering Monticello which documents the community that existed just a few miles to the west of Winters and was displaced by the building of the dam that created Lake Berryessa. The second one is The Lost Japanese Community of Winters.

The Remembering Monticello Exhibit

The Lost Japanese Community of Winters Exhibit
These join the list of exhibitions that we have presented:
- Take a Look Back at Winters History
- Wide World of Winters Sports
- Remembering Monticello
- The Lost Japanese Community of Winters
- Honoring Winters Veterans
- Celebrating Winters Agriculture
- The Winters Plein Air Festival
- Reliving Winters Youth Days
- Featuring the Winters Express.
We hope to secure the $6,000 that we will need to cover the costs of our next round of exhibits and the $6,000 that we will need to cover our facility expenses.
Historical Monument Fund: The Winters Museum is committed to commemorating The Lost Japanese Community of Winters with a monument in the Rotary Park area of the Winters Community Center. We are anticipating a cost of $25,000 which we hope will include extensive landscape work.

The monument has been delivered to Rotary Park.

Part of the image that is part of the monument.

At the Tuesday 04/16 meeting, the Winters City Council presented "A Proclamation. . . Recognizing the History of Japantown and Celebrating the New Monument at Rotary Park."