Women's Foundation California

A nonprofit organization

$424 raised by 4 donors

6% complete

$7,000 Goal

The founders of the Women's Foundation California believed that, as women, we have the right and the power to change the world through our philanthropy. Indeed, when an individual is philanthropic, they acquire not just influence, but agency and joyful purpose. As we approach our work through a critical and inclusive gender lens, we focus on the experiences, concerns, and leadership of cisgender and transgender people, non-binary and genderqueer people.

Giving Activity


We work to invest in, train, and connect community leaders to advance gender, racial, and economic justice. We do this by providing grants to community-led organizations, training community leaders through the Solís Policy Institute, and fostering a community of advocates, donors, policymakers, grantmakers, academics and many others through convenings to share knowledge and strengthen the social justice movement in California.


Our programs encompass our invest, train, and connect strategy. Your support allows us to continue endeavors like the Community Power Fund and The Solís Policy Institute.

Community Power Fund

The funding strategy for the Community Power Fund is centered on building community power through multi-issue grantmaking. We invest in community-based organizations working to address the root causes of inequity and advancing solutions led by women and girls. We invest in community organizing, policy advocacy, civic participation, integrated voter engagement, and culture change in three core issue areas: economic security, health, and safety including organizations working to address pay equity, affordable childcare, workplace protections, access to education, gender-based violence, criminal justice reform, reproductive health and justice, and environmental health and justice.

Solís Policy Institute

The Solís Policy Institute (SPI) is an experiential policy advocacy training program advancing racial, economic, and gender justice throughout the state of California. Over the course of a year-long fellowship, SPI delivers tools, builds networks, and develops leadership across a dynamic cohort of leaders who are ready to shape California's policies. This non-partisan program is run in two versions: SPI-State and SPI-Local.

To date, SPI has trained more than 500 advocates and organizers who have passed 43 new laws or local policies improving the health, safety, and economic wellbeing of their communities statewide. SPI Fellows build community power and shift the status quo.

Another way to support our feminist future and WFC is to join The Continuum -- our community of monthly donors who support our work together at Women's Foundation California and invest in our collective strength. Whether you give $5 or $500, when you join the Continuum, you ensure organizations led by women, people of color, and gender non-conforming folks have the resources they need to realize lasting solutions across California. With a thriving financial foundation, we can make important strides towards racial, economic, and gender justice across the state over the long haul. We are ready to ignite the generosity of this dynamic and expansive community of feminists.

Equity Statement

Women’s Foundation California strives for our leadership, staff, Board, fellows, grant partners, and

larger community to be comprised of majority women and people of color. Several years ago, our Board

of Directors approved a policy that specified that at least 80 percent of our organization and community

be people of color. Our goal is to achieve diversity in other categories including geography, ability,

sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, immigrant community, profession, and age. We’re

committed to a leadership, staff, Board, fellows, grant partners, and larger community composition that

is reflective of California’s demographics. We continually refine our policies and practices – as we

continue learning from our community – to ensure that we are centering the liberation of the most

marginalized people who live in California.

Organization Data


Organization name

Women's Foundation California

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Operating Budget

$5,000,001-$10 million

Organization Need

Funding: Program, Funding: Unrestricted

Demographics Served

Immigrants & refugees, Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx, Women/Female-identifying

BIPOC Leadership

Both the Executive Director & Board Chair

Local Counties Served



1301 Clay St. # 71719
Oakland, CA 94612

Service areas

El Dorado County, CA, US

Placer County, CA, US

Yolo County, CA, US

Sacramento, CA, US



Social Media