Winters Participation Gallery

A nonprofit organization

$4,337 raised by 29 donors

43% complete

$10,000 Goal

Winters Participation Gallery is a member of the Winters Big Day of Giving Collaboration.

Support Winters Nonprofits

Since its founding in 2002, the Winters Participation Gallery (WPG), an arts nonprofit, has focused its support on emerging artists in the Winters area. What began as a brick-and-mortar organization, evolved into a "gallery without walls" when the Board decided to concentrate on murals created by students. Over the last six years, several high school Senior Capstone murals have been sponsored by WPG, and six full-size murals have been created through the auspices of WPG's summer class titled "The Winters Historical Mural Project" in which students design and paint a mural under the direction of professional muralists.

Winters History Mural 2023

During the Summer of 2023, Winters Participation Gallery and twenty students painted the four walls of the utility building at Winters Healthcare on Grant Avenue. Plans are already underway for the 2024 mural, with longer-range plans to partner with the Historical Society of Winters in creating a walking tour of the town featuring historical landmarks and murals.

Winters History Mural 2018
at Lorenzo's Market

Winters History Mural 2019
at Winters Laundromat
Winters History Mural 2020
at Winters Museum

Winters History Mural 2021
at Winters Market

Winters History Mural 2022
at Winters Post Office


Winters Participation Gallery sponsors the Winters Historical Mural Project, providing a unique creative and artistic opportunity for Winters' youth to learn about the town's history and translate that into an exterior mural, beautifying Winters one wall at a time.


● To cover the salaries for the project staff: design leader, professional muralist, and site coordinator.

● To provide for the project supplies: paint and tools, scaffolding, cleaning and priming.

● To provide for the general funding: insurance, legal fees, accounting.

Equity Statement

Winters Participation Gallery encourages everyone, regardless of race, nationality, or sexual orientation, to participate in its activities. Applications for Board membership and to participate in the mural class held each summer are open to everyone. Winters Participation Gallery is committed to maintaining a diverse mix of participants both on the board, among the artists and within the group of students who participate in the class.

Organization Data


Organization name

Winters Participation Gallery

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Program

Demographics Served

General population

Local Counties Served


Equity Statement

Equity Statement


P.O. Box 1140
Winters, CA 95694

Service areas

Winters, CA, US, 95694

Yolo County, CA, US

Solano County, CA, US