Help FCCP Support Families in Our Community!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Folsom Cordova Community PartnershipHelp Folsom Cordova Community Partnership provide vital services & resources for our community.
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Help Folsom Cordova Community Partnership (FCCP) provide vital services for children, youth, and families in our community. FCCP provides a staggering array of services, filling gaps for underserved families.
Your donation helps to strengthen and build our community. Please donate today. --Lissa
- Safety-Net services like: Rental and/ or Utility bill Assistance, Community Bus Passes, Clothing, Housing Referrals, Food Lockers, and Baby supplies.
- Parental education services including: Home Visitation, Parent Education Classes, Family Fun Nights, Community Events.
- Celebrations such as: Community Baby Shower, Partnership In Thanks, & Fall Harvest Festival
- Financial Empowerment - Trainings for both Youth & Adults
- Home Visitation Services help to stabilize families in crisis by bringing resources and information to secure stable housing, clothing, food, transportation, respite care, furniture, mental health support, employment, school readiness, legal assistance and immigration help. Over 2000 visits per year to homes with pregnant women and/or infant children.
-The Job Center provides important Refugee & Asylee job assistance, Employment Training, Pre-employment workshops, Job Search Assistance, Connections to local employers, Professional Clothing Closet, and more.
- Youth Services include Group Mentoring Programs in local High Schools and Middle Schools as well as operating a youth career center. There is a Refugee Youth Mentoring program as well as services for Out of School Youth.
- COVID vaccinations, testing, and education.
We depend on the generosity of businesses and individuals like you to meet the financial needs of our mission. Thank you!