Help Taylor, Emmerson, & Lynn support youth!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference
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Support Taylor, Emmerson, & Lynn as they raise funds for Hands4Hope -Youth Making a Difference!


raised by 39 people

$4,000 goal

About the Organization 

Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference is a non-profit, youth-driven organization based in the El Dorado and Sacramento county regions. Their mission is to inspire and empower youth in leadership and service. Through this organization, youth gain awareness of and have the opportunity to explore areas of need in their communities, as well as creating and implementing projects that make an impact for their chosen cause. 

Meet Emmerson!

Hi, my name is Emmerson and I am 11 years old and I attend the 6th grade at Herbert Green Middle School.  This year, I am the secretary for my school's Hands4Hope Club. When I first joined Hands4Hope in 5th grade, I wanted to help other people in my community. When our school club voted to fundraise for Animal Outreach, I was super excited to help animals in need. I felt really good about doing this because when you do something for other people or animals, it gives you a really good feeling and makes you want to keep helping.

After 5th grade, I was inspired to become a club leader because I wanted to be more involved. I wanted to inspire others to do good things and feel good about what they are doing too. My role as a leader is to make sure everyone is involved and everybody's ideas are heard. This year we have worked really hard to raise money to feed baby birds at the Sierra Wildlife Rescue. Our goal is $1000 and we are really hoping to reach our goal!

Hands4Hope has helped me develop my skills as a leader including patience. I have improved on my public speaking abilities too. Please donate to help Hands4Hope continue what they are doing!

Meet Taylor!

Hi my name is Taylor and I attend Herbert Green Middle School.  How I got involved in Hands4Hope was by seeing a flyer when I was in 5th grade for the club at school. After really looking into it and seeing what Hands4Hope does, it really made me want to be involved in the club. So far it has really changed me because it has given me a new perspective and respect for other people. 

One reason I decided to run for president of my club this year was because I wanted to be more of a help and one thing people always say is "go big or go home" and that is what I did! Also when I was younger I wanted to be president of the United States and this is one step closer to becoming that. 

One of the best things about being in the club is seeing everyone working together and getting along to accomplish a goal. I have really enjoyed working on the project for Sierra Wildlife Rescue and seeing everyone in the club be so passionate with our project. 

One thing I have learned by being a leader with Hands4Hope is to have more patience as I listen to other people's ideas. By doing that it has made me realize that I do not have to do everything on my own and with everyone working together and doing their part we can get so much more accomplished. I have really appreciated Hands4Hope and what they are doing, so we would really appreciate it if you would donate to them.

Watch Emmerson & Taylor's Club Project Video!

Meet Lynn!

Hello! I’m Lynn Fedoryk, one of the adult volunteers with Hands4Hope. After retiring from teaching a few years ago and moving to Placerville, I discovered this amazing organization. Because the thing I missed most about teaching was the students, I realized that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to engage with motivated young people who are passionate about serving their community…and I was right!

The more time I spend with the Hands4Hope youth, the more impressed I am with their passion for their community and their fearlessness for taking on projects that will make that community a better place to live. Hands4Hope gives them the opportunity to develop the leadership skills and tools that they will need to follow their passions and really make a difference in the world. They inspire me every day!

Hands4Hope - Youth Making a Difference

Tax ID# 26-2548690

This fundraiser supports

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Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference

Organized By Jayce Kaldunski

Giving Activity


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