Meredith’s BDOG Campaign for CCHAT! =]

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

CCHAT Center
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Your donation helps CCHAT provide DHH, speech, and audiological services at no cost to families.


raised by 3 people

$250 goal

I knew that CCHAT was a magical place when I first observed Leah in the Kindergarten class in 2012! I began teaching at CCHAT the very next year and I feel pride in what we do here. CCHAT gives families a place to connect with professionals who can support their child’s listening and spoken language goals, as well as a place to meet other families who are on similar hearing journeys. It is a joy to be a part of the CCHAT magic and that’s why I am excited to get the word out about this year’s Big Day of Giving! Your donation helps CCHAT provide DHH, speech, and audiological services at no cost to the families we serve. Thank you for supporting this amazing school! 

This fundraiser supports

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CCHAT Center

Organized By Meredith Wright

Giving Activity


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