Help publicize the Publicity Department this BDOG!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Acme Theatre CompanyHelp Acme's Publicity Department succeed this BDOG by donating!
raised by 0 people
$6,000 goal
Have you ever been to a play? If yes, chances are it's because it was publicized well, enticing you to come. Publicity covers everything from promoting auditions to a show to the show itself. It is vital in making sure the general public knows key information about how to access a play.
Acme's Publicity department is no different! Run by Nico Novick, the Publicity Department is in charge of making sure the general public knows all the correct information about our company. From sending emails, creating posters for shows and auditions, manning a farmers market booth, keeping company members informed of upcoming dates, and generating buzz around our shows, the publicity department wears many hats.
Now publicity may seem like all fun and games, but it is a taking job that takes a wide variety of skills and tons of time. Graphic design is not for the weak of heart, and talking to teenagers may be even harder! Our wonderful publicity people put their all into making sure people are aware of what goes on within our company.
Now, even with all the determination and will in the world, Publicity cannot do what they do without help. That's why this Big Day of Giving, they are asking for your assistance!
To better educate the public on all things Acme, publicity wants to get a better farmers market booth! And making our gorgeous posters isn't cheap, publicity needs your help raising funds for that too! They need your assistance spreading the words of Acme to the world!
We sincerely hope that you consider donating to the Publicity Department this Big Day of Giving so they can make our Acme dreams come true! Thank you in advance and happy Big Day of Giving!