Help Me Dream Big
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Soroptimist International of DavisHelp me educate and empower women and girls through my club, Soroptimist International of Davis.
raised by 16 people
$1,000 goal
Dear friends,
As a second-generation Soroptimist and feminist, it's in my blood to volunteer for women’s causes. I served as president of my Soroptimist club in Davis, just like my mom, Pat Weitzel, did in Nevada City. Soroptimists have empowered women and girls for more than 100 years. In Davis, we mentor teens at our local continuation high school with our Dream It, Be It program. We help single moms get a degree or training through our Live Your Dream program. We also give out scholarships and work to end sex trafficking.
Please help me support these programs with a donation to my Big Day of Giving campaign.
You can donate as little as $10, to let us know you believe in our mission and our work. An $85 donation provides a hotel voucher to a victim of sex trafficking. A $1,000 gift supports a Live Your Dream award, and $4,000 funds a scholarship for a King High graduate enrolled in community college. Anyone who donates $75 or more will receive a gift from the Do Good Shop.
Thursday, May 2 is the Big Day of Giving. Please schedule a donation before midnight that day.