We are excited that the Arthur F. Turner Community Library (as part of the Yolo County Library system) is returning to in-person programming starting in spring 2023. These much-missed events had to be shifted online or paused entirely during the COVID pandemic. This Big Day of Giving, we invite you to join WSFOL in ensuring this library event "comeback" is an amazing experience for our entire community!
These events are free family activities that promote literacy, creativity, community, and inclusiveness. Your generous contributions will help make sure the library can offer them:
Baby and Toddler Story Times
Author Readings
Cultural celebrations and activities like Dia de los Ninos
Craft maker events
Family movie screenings
STEM-focused activities and scavenger hunt prizes
In addition, we are hoping to reach more early readers with our Summer Reading Program books. All children receive a free book for participating, and for many, this is the first book in their home library.
In 2022, WSFOL contributed nearly $3,000 toward these library programs, many online or significantly modified due to COVID precautions. The number and success of the programs offered relies on a successful Big Day of Giving for West Sacramento Friends of the Library. To accommodate in-person and increased expenses, WSFOL needs to raise approximately $6,700. Will you help us reach this goal for the library?