El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom

A nonprofit organization

31% complete

$3,000 Goal

El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom is a local, grassroots, charitable organization that provides quality agriculture-related educational resources, programs, and training opportunities to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of agriculture in our lives.

El Dorado county residents enjoy many benefits of diverse agricultural operations - farms, orchards, vineyards, timber lands, cattle ranches, olive groves, and many others - that fuel our economy, feed our families, and preserve our beautiful rural landscapes.

Agriculture is part of our daily lives - from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the homes we live in. Ag in the Classroom provides resources and opportunities for children to gain an appreciation and understanding of the role of agriculture. When students learn about soil, cultivation, food cycles, animals, nutrition, natural resources, and stewardship of the land, they can make informed decisions as consumers and community members as they grow up.

Through programs like Farm Day and Fields of Learning, El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom offers educators, students, and the public opportunities to learn about agriculture in context of local farms, ranches, vineyards, and forests. These quality educational programs and supporting resources 1) Connect students to hands-on agricultural experiences 2) Help students make informed decisions about their food choices and health 3) Promote an understanding of the sustainable production of food, fiber, and shelter and 4) Highlight the significance of our local food supply and agricultural heritage.


Our mission is to cultivate through education an understanding and appreciation of how important and all-encompassing agriculture is in our daily lives.


El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom currently seats a Board of Directors totaling 11 persons. We look for persons energetic about our mission and can bring to the table expertise, experience, and enthusiasm to support our strategic goals. Skill sets may include but are no limited to education, agriculture. non-profit governance and compliance, finance management, human resources, program and project management, etc..

El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom has a deep tradition of support via sponsors for our most tenured and successful programs, such as Farm Day. Numerous grants exist to develop and launch programs, but it is the day to day operational costs and salaries beyond those programs that are limited and inhibiting the growth and reach of the organization. Unrestricted funding needs are critical to keep established programs and projects in flight and the organizational doors open.

The largest inhibitor to schools participating in our programs is transportation. The costs entangled in the contracts of transportation in school districts have all but made field trips prohibitive. Students education is becoming more and more confined to the walls of their classroom and less hands-on and "in the field" due to these limitations. As Ag in the Classroom, like many non-profits, struggles to support day to day operations through extremely limited unrestricted funding, finding financial assistance for the schools who wish to participate in our programming who can not due to transportation costs would be next on our list of funding needs.

Equity Statement

El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom

Statement of Financial Position

As of January 28, 2025



Current Assets

Bank Accounts

1010 Checking (4694) 110,567.86

1015 Tom Heflin Memorial Fund -760.00

Total 1010 Checking (4694) 109,807.86

1020 EDC Foundation 0.00

1030 Savings 45,204.28

1040 CD 51,824.28

1041 CD 51,066.28

Total Bank Accounts $257,902.70

Accounts Receivable

1100 Accounts Receivable (A/R) 19,780.52

Total Accounts Receivable $19,780.52

Other Current Assets

1200 Undeposited Funds 0.00

1210 Prepaid expenses

1205 Prepaid Storage 0.00

1206 Prepaid D&O & Liab Insurance 0.00

Total 1210 Prepaid expenses 0.00

Payroll Refunds 0.00

Total Other Current Assets $0.00

Total Current Assets $277,683.22

Other Assets

1990 EDC Endowment Fund Account 14,952.20

Total Other Assets $14,952.20

TOTAL ASSETS $292,635.42



Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

2000 Accounts Payable (A/P) 0.00

Total Accounts Payable $0.00

Other Current Liabilities

2100 Payroll Liabilities 0.01

2110 CA PIT / SDI -393.62

2115 CA SUI / ETT -0.02

2120 Federal Taxes (941/943/944) 0.00

2125 Federal Unemployment (940) 0.00

CalSavers 857.21

Retirement Savings Deduction Plan 553.36

RetirementSavingDeductionPlan 134.06

Total 2100 Payroll Liabilities 1,151.00

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration Payable 0.00

Direct Deposit Payable 0.00

Out Of Scope Agency Payable 0.00

Total Other Current Liabilities $1,151.00

Total Current Liabilities $1,151.00

Total Liabilities $1,151.00


3000 Opening balance equity 0.00

3100 Unrestricted Net Assets 166,293.76

3200 Donor Restricted Net Assets 88,616.09

3300 Board Designated Restricted Funds 0.00

3400 Endowment Restricted Net Assets 14,952.20

Prior Period Adjustment 0.00

Net Revenue 21,622.37

Total Equity $291,484.42


Accrual basis

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

12:56 PM GMT-08:00

Organization Data


Organization name

El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category


Operating Budget


Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Other, Board Members

Demographics Served

Youth & Children, General population

BIPOC Leadership

Executive Director/CEO

Local Counties Served

El Dorado


2460 Headington Road
Placerville, CA 95667

Service areas

El Dorado County, CA, US



Social Media