St. Vincent De Paul Society, Roseville Area Conference

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$50,000 Goal

The St. Vincent de Paul Society, Roseville was founded in August 1983. We started as a small thrift store and office that provided free furniture, and rent and utilities assistance for Roseville residents. By December 1983, we had opened our Dining Room; and January 1984, we started our Food Locker in a 10x10 foot room.

Since that time, St. Vincent de Paul has created several additional programs and services. Our BAGS program began in 2001 with the help of a grant from the City of Roseville, allowing us to deliver groceries to home-bound seniors and disabled individuals. With the expansion of our programs and services, we needed more space. In 2006 we moved to our current office/warehouse on Giuseppe Court.

In 2018, St. Vincent de Paul, Advocates for Mentally Ill Housing (AMIH), and Kids First, in a collaborative effort, began receiving funding from the City of Roseville's CDBG Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing grant. This grant assists Roseville & Rocklin residents in need of assistance with rent and utility payments. In 2020, funding via the Emergency Food and Shelter Program and CARES Act began providing assistance for Placer County residents with rent, mortgage and utilities. In 2022, the City of Rocklin awarded funding for both rental & utility assistance, as well as expansion of the BAGS Home Delivery Program for homebound seniors in Rocklin.  The Kaiser Foundation has provided funding for rental & utility assistance supporting greater Placer county since 2022.  2025 finds St. Vincent de Paul Roseville in need of expansion in order to serve the increased needs of South Placer county and the increased food donations.  It is time to renovate our warehouse and food locker to more efficiently serve our community! 


The mission of St. Vincent de Paul, Roseville is to provide basic human services and programs to prevent hunger and homelessness.


St. Vincent de Paul, Roseville is experiencing a tremendous increase in households in need of supplemental food visiting the Food Locker Distribution Drive Thru weekly.

Attendance at our Drive Thru Distribution increased in 2024 on average by 37% over 2023. The number of households served has spiked from 1,100 per month in 2023 to almost 1,600 in 2024. We were fortunate in the fall of 2024 to add another grocer to our food donation pickups through our Feeding America partnerships, which has allowed us to keep up with the demand for food. But our facility is now bursting at the seams.

In order to support the many households coming to St. Vincent de Paul Roseville for supplemental groceries, as well as the additional food donations we are receiving on a daily basis through our Feeding America partners, our organization is undertaking a large project in 2025, which is a major overhaul and upgrade to our facility. This will include more cold storage and better use of our space. But we need your help!

This year our BIG DAY OF GIVING goal is to raise $50,000 to support the efforts to expand our warehouse facility!

Equity Statement

We are a leader in providing social services for Placer County. We are dedicated to assisting families and individuals in need, directly or collaboration with others, thereby enabling them to improve the quality of their lives and helping achieve self-sufficiency.

Organization Data


Organization name

St. Vincent De Paul Society, Roseville Area Conference

other names

SVDP Roseville

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)


Mission Category

Human Services

Operating Budget

$500,001-$1 million

Organization Need

Funding: Unrestricted, Funding: Program, Funding: Other, Volunteers

Demographics Served

Seniors, Low-income individuals/families, Homeless/Underhoused/Unhoused

Local Counties Served



503 Giuseppe Ct. Suite #8
Roseville, CA 95678

Service areas

Roseville, CA, US

Rocklin, CA, US

Granite Bay, CA, US

Placer County, CA, US





Social Media