Orozco Family Campaign

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Our family supports the Seniors in Crisis Program for seniors in dire need of assistance.

1 donors

raised $105

20 donor goal

The costs of goods and services have risen to the point that, even for households with two incomes, providing all the essentials can be a struggle. Imagine, like many of our area’s Seniors, your household income is only $1500 to $2300 per month, and a portion of that goes to rent, utilities, and medications. There is not a lot left for anything else.

Many Seniors have health conditions, and it only takes one medical crisis to make rent past due or force a senior household into choosing medication over food. In some cases, no family members or friends can help out.

This is why we at St. Vincent de Paul are launching our Seniors in Crisis Program for Seniors in dire need of assistance. With your help, we can improve the lives of struggling Seniors.

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